Toward the
Global Standards

Providing the Highest Quality Goods

Osaka Alloying Works, Co., Ltd.

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Producing about 4,000 metric tons of master alloy annually
we provide a wide range of high-quality products
made with advanced technologies

Japanese producing share of 100% for phosphor master alloys JIS-mark certified per Japanese industrial standards (JIS H 2501-1982 Phosphor Copper Metal) With one of the highest market shares in the world, we supply the copper industry within and outside Japan in order to contribute toward global industries with Osaka Alloying Works’ products and technologies.

“master alloy” is a critical part of the alloying process.
master alloy refers to an alloy made with a high concentration of foreign elements. This alloy is made prior to other processes for addition into other materials in the course of high-yield, safe, and convenient alloy manufacturing.
master alloy is added according to the end role of the metal, enhancing traits and producing made-to-order functional materials.
The Osaka Alloying Works focuses on production of industrial materials such as master alloys and copper alloys.
Our range of products also includes specialties ranging from prominent copper master alloys to zinc, iron, nickel, tin, and other master alloys.
In addition to our conventional product selection, we also offer original alloying made to order for customer research and development and similar applications.

Master Alloy Use Cases

Phosphor copper
Chromium copper/silicon bronze/Magnesium copper
Tin Bronze


Osaka Alloying Works

Founded in Osaka prefecture in 1935, the company began life as a copper alloy casting and master alloy manufacturing business.
Subsequently, the modern “Osaka Alloying Works Co., Ltd.” was established within the city of Osaka in 1949.
The company later moved to Fukui prefecture in 1989, where it is located today.

Metals are reborn as highly functional materials through alloying.
So long as people need highly functional materials for industrial equipment, Osaka Alloying Works will continue to aid in industrial growth by providing master alloys for them.

We excel in the production of phosphorous master alloys using yellow phosphorous, which requires special certification and licensing in its handling. We then provide this material in a safe, easily-handled master alloy format for those who require it.
Osaka Alloying Works is the only business in Japan that carries out the extremely difficult process of handling and alloying yellow phosphorous with other metals.

...Of passionate intensity.



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